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Home Historic Center of Treviso F - Treviso and Its Museum

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Treviso I musei

1. CIVIC MUSEUM OF SANTA CATERINA: The church was built from 1346 by Mary's servants instead of Palazzo dei da Camino, Lords of Treviso since 1283. The building had been burned by Trevisos people, as when Camino intended to make the Treviso hand in the Cangrande della scala is also connected to Dantewho have found hospitality in his exile.There are 4 sections: Archeology (flint objects, a rich collection of bronze swords, votive discs, cinerary urns, busts and sarcophagi from the Roman age); Pinacoteca (Tiziano, Tiepolo, Francesco Guardi, Hayez, Lotto, Bellini, Jacopo da Bassano, Pozzoserrato, Giovanni Antonio da Pordenone, Paris Bordon, Salvator Rosa, Rosalba Carriera, Antonio Canova, Cima da Conegliano, ...); rooms for temporary exhibitions of contemporary art; the great hall of the Church with the famous Stories of S. Orsola by Tomaso da Modena. Trad. G.S.

In the name of Abbot Luigi Bailo who originated and settled in the ancient medieval convent in the first Civic Museum of Treviso. The structure, over the centuries, has seen the presence of Jesus, then of the Discalced Carmelites who also had a church where now there is the Library of the city. In 2015 the Museum was interested by a restoration that has almost completely rebuilt it with new forms and spaces. Now home to the Art Gallery of the '900 with almost 350 works including those of the famous artists of Treviso Arturo Martini and Gino Rossi. Trad. G.S.

3. DIOCESAN MUSEUM: It can be accessed directly from the Cathedral or from the suggestive Via Canoniche. The complex was the ancient residence of the Canons since medieval times. It preserves precious artistic documents: from the tombstone of the I sec. d.c. that attests that Treviso was the Roman Town Hall, on the frescoed walls, to the elegant silver statue of the patron S. Liberale, to the Cristo Passo di Tomaso. From Modena to that of Pietro de Saliba, grandson of Antonello da Messina.
And still Pompeo Batoni, Ludovico Pozzoserrato, Rocco Marconi, Leandro Bassano, Girolamo from Santacroce,... as well as ancient fabrics and vestments, tombstones, statues and precious. Trad. G.S.

4.FORMER CHURCH OF SANTA MARGHERITA AND NATIONAL MUSEUM SALCE COLLECTION: Ferdinando Salce, born in Treviso on March 22, 1877, most likely had not imagined that his passion lasted all his life (until 1962, the year of his death), it would have had this epilogue: the creation of the most important National Museum in Italy for the collection of advertising posters.It was also his good economic conditions that allowed him to collect posters from all over the world without worrying about putting limits on the collection, so much so that he estimated he had 15,000 "posters" when almost 25,000 were inventoried.In his will he will leave them to the Italian State to be useful to scholars, students and lovers of graphic art. The city and the administration of the time didn't immediately grasp the value and scope of this heritage. In 2015 the Ministry of Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism (MiBACT) took over the large project of restoration, inventory and display of posters through thematic exhibitions in rotation.This is how the restoration of the church of S. Gaetano was carried out, of its adjacencies which now house the Museum and of the Romanesque-Gothic church of S. Margherita. Trad. G.S.

5. MONTE DI PIETA ': The one in Treviso is one of the oldest in Italy and the rooms preserve precious paintings. The ancient meeting room, the Rectors' Chapel, has a splendid decoration with Renaissance-era canvases by Ludovico Pozzoserrato and frescoes by Ludovico Fiumicelli with themes alluding to charity and providence. The walls, instead, are completely covered with precious leather stamped in gold and silver. Trad. G.S.

6. CA 'DA NOAL AND CASA ROBEGAN: The two structures are adjacent and located not far from the Duomo. Ca'da Noal is an ancient and imposing building in the Gothic style, while Casa Robegan is in the Renaissance style. Both elegantly frescoed, they were restored in 1938 to house the Trevigiana House Museum, recreating the atmosphere of an ancient residence, with the kitchen on the ground floor, living rooms, dining room and music room on the first floor, furnished with furniture and paintings. They are currently used for periodic art reviews. Trad. G.S.

7. BOMBEN AND CAOTORTA PALACES: It was 1999 when the Benetton Foundation wanted to save these two ancient buildings from the neglect and bombing of 7 April 1944 during the Second World War. The first houses an auditorium for international events, concerts and conferences and a series of frescoed rooms: Sala della Roggia, Sala delle Vedute, Sala delle Ore, Sala dei Miti. The latter preserves original stuccos and frescoes attributed to G.B. Canal. The rooms are used for temporary exhibitions. Palazzo Robegan instead houses a prestigious and rich library, as well as the executive offices where a precious painting by Pozzoserrato depicting "the Miserable Melancholy" stands out. Trad. G.S.

8. PRISON GALLERIES: The former Habsburg prisons of Treviso overlooked Piazza Duomo. The restoration carried out in 2018 by the Benetton Foundation gave the site a cultural destination, dedicating it to contemporary culture. Thus, exhibitions, temporary exhibitions and workshops for schools are organized. The spaces also hold the interesting "Imago Mundi" collection, the contemporary art collection - in a single 10 x 12 format - that Luciano Benetton has collected from all over the world. Trad. G.S.

9. MUSEUM SPACE EX CHURCH OF SANTA MARIA NOVA - CA 'SCARPA: Here too there is the intervention of the Benetton Foundation in the recovery and reuse of what were the Benedictine convent and the church of S. Maria Nova which, in recent decades , they had seen the headquarters of the Finance Office. Located not far from the Duomo and other offices of the same Foundation, approximately 10,000 square meters were inaugurated in October 2020 for a new Museum named after the great Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa and intended for cultural meetings and contemporary art exhibitions. Trad. G.S.

10. FORMER CHURCH OF SAN TEONISTO: The ancient Benedictine church, built in the mid-1400s, in 2017 saw a long restoration completed by the Benetton Foundation aimed at reviving the church with concerts and cultural events, as well as exhibiting part of the works that originally decorated it: Pietro della Vecchia, Ascanio Spineda, Padovanino, Antonio Fiumani. Many were the works stolen by Napoleon while the famous "Wedding at Cana" by Veronese are currently in Palazzo Montecitorio. Trad. G.S.

12. CA' SPINEDA: is one of the palaces testifying to the nobility withinside the anciental center. It bears the decision of the personal family who commissioned it withinside the 2d half of of the 1500s and who owned it until the mid-1800s. Then it underwent various renovations and extensions, lots just so the modern-day appearance is from the 18th century. The collections of artwork obtained and acquired over the various years are exhibited withinside the halls of the building that may be a prestigious container due to the fact the ballroom and the gallery are honestly frescoed (Basilio Lasinio) similarly to the brilliant staircase (Gaspare Diziani). On 800 square meters there can be a library with about 10,000 volumes and the exhibition of about one hundred works through manner of method of the painters of the Venetian 19th and 20th centuries. Trad. G.S.

13. FORMER CHURCH OF SANTA CROCE: Not a long way from the river Sile and inserted in what's presently the University and which turned into as soon as the sanatorium of the city, there may be the church that turned into as soon as that of the Hospital of S. Leonardo. Its call derives from the presence of the relic of the Cross that each Holy Friday turned into carried in procession as it's miles depicted withinside the tremendous canvas stored withinside the church itself and the paintings of Bartolomeo Orioli made in 1624. To whole the scene there are different canvases depicting St. Helena who unearths the go and Paolo di Sassoferrato demise in bed, this is the only who brought the relic of the go to the church. The former church is a small museum: further to the ones mentioned, there are different works via way of means of Domenico Maggiotto and a prestigious organ via way of means of Pietro Nacchini from 1750. It is presently deconsecrated and used for meetings and concerts. Trad. G.S.

15. STATE ARCHIVE: It is located in the historic center, in a substantial space: the old monastery of S. Margherita. It is hosted by rare and important documents that the collections of the Venice aged and the archives of the religious companies oppressed by Napoleon. Among the rarities, a document related to Marco Polo. Trad. G.S.

16. PORTELLO SILE: The building was built close to the Renaissance walls of Treviso in 1866 to set up a duty office, given its location near the port of the city. Having concluded the functions for which it was built and in need of a significant restoration, in 1994 the Alpini Group dedicated itself to the recovery and, in 2001, gave the city a museum space for temporary exhibitions of art, costume, photography, very original and appreciated. Trad. G.S.

19. SCARPA" ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM: Like the 2 preceding museums (18 and 19), it's far positioned in the areas of the Episcopal Seminary.The specimens were donated by Giuseppe Scarpa, a natural sciences scholar from Treviso, in 1914. A very treasured and fragile series as it's far preserved with the equal techniques of the time in a preservative liquid: greater than 2,000 species inclusive of mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles, vertebrates and invertebrates, fish: sharks, turtles, flamingos, storks, woodpeckers, swallows, griffins, hawks, eagles, owls, penguins, frogs, chameleons, iguanas, ... In addition, filled animals: lions, giraffes, gazelles, rhinos, antelopes, gazelles, stone martens, squirrels, weasels, ... There is likewise a segment committed to shells and minerals. Belonging to a Venetian noble family, in addition to a collector, he became additionally a breeder in his domestic lawn of monkeys and reptiles. Just to recall some anecdotes: he had his unwell chimpanzee hospitalized on the civil clinic of Treviso "Ca Foncello” Trad. G.S.

21. "SIMON BENETTON" WROUGHT IRON MUSEUM: Treviso has a millenary culture of wrought iron operating and, with it, the presence of many artists which include Simon Benetton, son of the well-known Toni Benetton, artist and sculptor of iron. become born in Treviso on October 24, 1933. His house, at the outskirts of Treviso, become additionally his creative laboratory. Upon his death, there stays a everlasting museum of his sculptures inserted in a area of peace that become a stimulus for his creativity. Trad. G.S.

- this itinerary doesen't include interiors.
- timing: 1h,45min
- service with a radio microphone system

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